Vespa World Days 2013 - Hasselt (Belgium)
Vespa World Days in Belgium, from 20 to 23 June, in the city of Hasselt (capital of the Limburg region), the international Vespa rally returns to this country after 55 years (Brussels hosted the Eurovespa of 1958). There are around three thousand Vespa riders from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Portugal, Austria, Luxembourg, Norway, Finland, Russia, Croatia, Kosovo, Greece, Ireland, Serbia, USA, Spain and North Macedonia.There is an elegance course organized by the Italian Vespa Historical Register with his President Luigi Frisinghelli followed by a high-level Gymkana, won by the Italian specialist Leonardo Pilati in front of the German Robin Davy and the other Italian Benito Signori.
National Vespa Clubs and their members can contribute to the photogallery below. Please send your pictures to the following e-mail: