Italian version here
A whole area happy to welcome our colorful swarm and play with all the participants of the Vespa World Days: don’t miss the opportunity to get to know the “Vespisti’s friends” shops by taking part in VESPIZZIAMO PONTEDERA and VESPIZZIAMO CASCIANA TERME – LARI!
This is a dual activity, completely free of charge, dedicated to Vespisti for the 4-day event. Participating is very simple
– as you go around the shops in Pontedera, Casciana Terme and Lari, you will find posters and/or posters with the words: “Welcome Vespisti”.
– The signs will be three different colours: white, red and green like the Italian flag 

– you have to take three photos in front of the sign with the inscription, one for each colour (white, red and green)
– on returning to Vespa Village you will show the three photos at the infopoint and can collect your prize, an exclusive gadget.
Play with us!
This activity has been made possible by the proactivity of the traders and administrations of the Municipalities of Pontedera and Casciana Terme – Lari and the active cooperation of Confcommercio, Confesercenti, We Are Pontedera and ViviLari
Are you a trader and want to join?
Participation is free, write to or call 3348676788 you will receive the application form.
“The most beautiful showcase” contest
Some shopkeepers in Pontedera and Lari will set up their shop windows with the Vespa World Days theme: it’s up to us Vespisti to choose the most beautiful one!
The photos of the shop windows will be published in the “VESPIZZIAMO” album on our Facebook page: Vespa World Days 2024 – Pontedera
All you need to do to support your favourite is to like the photo: the shop with the most votes will be voted “The most beautiful VWD showcase”.